It’s hard to resist a party named after one our favorite 80’s classics, About Last Night. Enter Pacific Times’ celebrated chef, Jonathan Eismann, with provocatively named, scrumptious dishes such as the gnudi (pronounced “nudie,”) “dates” and “grouper cheeks” and we are hooked.
O.K., so the food names aren’t so funny in the cold light of day, but they were pretty amusing amidst the glam/hipster (which we’ve recently come to identify as any cute 20/30-something donning a fedora and/or decorative neck fabric) crowd that packed the Design District eatery for the weekly “About Last Night” party, which could be easily confused for the set of a photo shoot or show on the WB, except for the fact that food was present even though the model-types seemed to be more on a liquid diet (duh). The premise behind the party is that guests spend the night Tweeting and updating their Facebook posts. How this is different from any other party, fashion show, restaurant outing, date, movie watching, back scratching, driving experience…took us a minute to figure out. Turns out the party’s unique draw, aside from the hot crowd and outstanding food is that the event itself is a Facebook/Twitter “friend” so those who’ve enjoyed a few too many libations and/or suffer short-term memory loss can piece the night together the next morning. (Not necessarily a good thing.) Inaugural hosts Sean Drake and Michelle Leshem drew in a great crowd including Tara Solomon, Nick D’ Annunzio, Megan Harris, Sam Baum, David Glass, Jose Ortiz, Jacquelynn Powers, Eric Newill, Bill Kearney, Debbie Ohanian and Manny Hernandez. It comes as no surprise that the outstanding food created by Eismann, which is served in style by adorable, friendly waiters resulted in a shout out for Pacific Time by Esquire Magazine as one of the “Best New Restaurants in the U.S.” To be blunt, and quote a fellow diner whom shall remain nameless, “Flavors of orgasmic proportions.”