Well it is finally here, Winter Music Conference, the dance music equivalent to Shark Week. WMC, which can also be expanded to mean, “Where’s My Car?” and “What, More Clubs?” at any point along the144-hour extravaganza, is regarded as the singular networking event in the dance music industry, drawing over 62,000 event participants from over 70 countries, who will take over just about every club, hotel, and pool area on South Beach, and quite a few in Downtown Miami as well. Unfortunately, by the time you no longer need a fake ID to attend many of the WMC events, you are simply too old to go. But if you insist on channeling your inner spring breaker, get some Red Bull, take your One-a-Days and check out the line-up of some of the best WMC events below.
Shark Week is Here
On March - 26 - 2009