Martina Borgomanero Basabe
It is now December 11 and everywhere pre-vacation congestion starts and I am not talking about the flu. Traffic gets crazy, stores get busy, people invade the streets for Christmas shopping, whether it is tree, tree decorations, or a very large amount of presents to buy for family and friends.
Not in Miami.
In Miami, second week of December equals to ghost town. Restaurants are empty, people are zombies, streets are deserted and all of this because of one reason and one only – Post Basel Syndrome (PBS).
Let’s start from the beginning – allegedly Art Basel runs for four days, this year from December 4 to 7. NOT TRUE. Art Basel runs for a solid ten, starting the weekend before and finishing the weekend after the week of the actual exhibits, and reaches a peak during those four days and three nights that is comparable only to a freight train that derails, hits everyone and everything around it, but just keeps on going leaving desolation behind. Hence – ghost town.