Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2014- Part I

Posted by Maryanne Salvat On October - 8 - 2013
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2014 - Official Coverage - People And Atmosphere Day 1

Getty Images: Mike Coppola

By:  Mary Jo Almeida-Shore and Maryanne Salvat

Much to the delight or dismay of the fashion set, New York Fashion Week has become as much about the parties as about the looks on the runways.  This season saw no shortage of over-the-top, celeb-studded occasions in which to show off wearable works of art, while rubbing elbows with designers, celebrities, stylists, socialites and those who love a great time. Check out some of our picks for the best events during this season’s Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and check back next week for more social coverage and for some of our favorite runway shows. Read the rest of this entry »
