Famed director, Michael Bay, and actors Ramon Rodriguez and Isabel Lucas hosted a special opening weekend screening of Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen at Regal South Beach Cinemas, for a few hundred of their closest friends. The mild-mannered Bay introduced the actors and told guests that he made this film for them to enjoy and ordered them to “Have fun.” He then asked the theater staff to “Play it loud” and sat and watched the first 30 minutes of the film for the umpteenth time, before slipping out at the same time as the actors and a few VIPs, including Michael Capponi and his goddaughter, Amber, and several Paramount Pictures employees to dine at Scarpetta. As he watched his latest blockbuster, Bay seemed genuinely in awe of the Autobots, which spend the better part of the movie beating the daylights out of the Deceptacons, and even laughed at the film’s funny scenes. Among those attending the screening, whom we could actually make-out in the dark, Tara Solomon and Nick D’Annunzio, Jon and Nancy Batchelor, Antonio Misuraca, and Jorge and Darlene Perez. One of the few actual living things in the movie is Bones (short for Bone Crusher), one of Bay’s gorgeous, enormous, Bull Mastiffs, whom we had the pleasure of meeting at Bay’s United Way Fundraiser at his home last December, along with Bones’ partner, Grace. Bay totally lit up when asked about his pooches, with which he travels everywhere- by private plane, of course. After the screening, the director, actors and several VIPs headed to LIV for the official after part
Stars, Bars, (and Dogs) Align for ‘09
On January - 9 - 2009
“Bone Crusher, Grace and Michael Bay, not necessarily in that order. Photo by Mary Jo Almeida-Shore”
If you are reading this right now, congratulations! You have survived New Year’s. Now it’s time to start breaking all those silly resolutions you made in your drunken stupor. We found that while we were still in recovery from Art Basel, which was just a few weeks ago, New Year’s week dragged us out just about every night, with something fun and fabulous to do, testing our stamina, sanity and livers, and leaving us begging for more … more eye cream, more espresso and more Tylenol.