SPRING FLINGLocust Projects 2016 Spring Fling

Locust Projects’ highly anticipated Spring Fling has become a highlight of the Miami social calendar, bringing art lovers together for a unique evening featuring art, delicious food, drinks, and music. This year, Locust Projects will re-imagine Truman Capote’s 1966 Black & White Ball as the glamorous Spring Fling Black & White Bash at the elegant Design District Palm Court on Saturday, April 9, 2016, truly creating a night to remember. To purchase tickets: ; Ticket (per person) $150 General public / $125 Locust Projects members.




Celebrate Global Empowerment

On Saturday, April 9th, Miami notables Michael Capponi & Dilay Bayraktar will celebrate their birthdays by hosting an evening to benefit Capponi’s foundation, the Global Empowerment Mission (GEM) at the prestigious new Island Gardens. The semi-formal event will be co-hosted by Ivana Trump and well attended by other Miami notables and GEM Board Members Seth Browarnik, Andres Fanjul and Dr. Jay H. Park to name a few. Capponi, who has hosted 78 mission trips to Haiti through the foundation, is thrilled to celebrate his birthday by raising funds for a cause he is so deeply passionate about. The former Mayor of Miami Beach Matti Bower, former Commissioner Michael Gongora and several firefighters who joined Capponi for his earthquake relief efforts in Haiti in 2010 will also be honored on stage. The evening will include cocktails under the moon and stars by Grey Goose and Herradura, a formal seated dinner, silent auction and a musical performance by Dilayla. 

A $100 donation will offer guests entry and cocktails while a $200 VIP donations includes the formal sit down dinner. Tickets are available via This Link; for table reservations call 786.479.3443.


2016 StarChefs South Florida Rising Stars Awards

StarChefs, the restaurant industry trends magazine, announces its 2016 South Florida Rising Stars Awards, honoring up-and-coming chefs and hospitality professionals, who represent the vanguard of the contemporary American dining scene. From the Keys to Jupiter, the StarChefs team visited more than 100 chefs, pastry chefs, bartenders, sommeliers, restaurateurs, and artisans. The winners will be honored at the StarChefs Rising Stars Gala on Wednesday, April 13 at Marlins Park, beginning with an awards ceremony at 6:30pm and followed by a tasting gala from 7:15pm to 9:30pm. Guests will experience 20 of South Florida’s most exciting restaurants with beverage pairings and cocktails by the winning sommeliers and bartenders, in one location for one night only—hosted by Levy Restaurants.General Admission is $85.00 per person. VIP tickets are $125.00 which includes a private VIP reception with a Cava tasting and Northern Divine Caviar, beginning at 5:45 p.m. Tickets can be purchased on their website at http://www.starchefs.com/cook/risingstars. Aportion of the ticket sales will be donated to Feeding South Florida, a nonprofit food bank that distributes more than 40 million pounds of food per year. More than 98 percent of all donations are put back into the community. Learn more at feedingsouthflorida.org.

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