The After Party of the Century

Posted by Maryanne Salvat On November - 1 - 2011

AfterPartyInvite_EMailBy:  Mary Jo Almeida-Shore 

Get your tickets now for the annual Make-A-Wish Nightclub Charity Event at the Intercontinental Hotel (100 Chopin Plaza) this Saturday, November 5 at 10:30 p.m.  This late night extravaganza promises to be filled with fashion, music and dancing and features tunes by mash-up master, DJ Joe Dert and a complimentary open bar. The event will take place on the heels of the 17th Annual InterContinental Miami Make-A-Wish Ball which is modeled after Truman Capote’s legendary Black & White Ball at New York’s Plaza Hotel in 1966, with iconic rock-n-roll group Joan Jett and the Blackhearts as the entertainment. Unfortunately the ball is completely sold out.  The great news is that you can still be part of the excitement during the after party, where you will be sure to spot a celebrity or two (the gorgeous Burn Notice star Gabrielle Anwar is the gala’s celebrity auctioneer) and get the chance to peruse high fashions during fashion shows by Bogosse and Andrew Charles, not to mention the stellar looks worn by gala guests.  The party goes until 3 a.m. 

Michael Capponi, Norman Wedderburn, Robert B. Hill, Shareef Malnik and the knock-out Make-A-Wish Nightclub committee promise an elegant night of mystery and fantasy.  Tickets cost $100/$1,000 for a table of ten.   To make a donation, visit


With all of this flair and excitement, the actual ball seems almost like a pre-party!

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