FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Kick-Off Luncheon

Posted by Maryanne Salvat On May - 23 - 2011
Debbie Murcarsel-Powell, Dr. John Rock, and Debbie Tano

Debbie Murcarsel-Powell, Dr. John Rock, and Debbie Tano

In celebration of Florida International University’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine’s (HWCOM) current and future growth, prominent female philanthropists attended a luncheon and fashion event to support the school and kick off the second-annual benefit dinner that takes place on Friday, November 4. The invitation-only luncheon, part of the college’s ongoing initiative to raise money to support student scholarships, took place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, at Neiman Marcus at the Village of Merrick Park. The event was hosted by philanthropists Gloria Sesana and Debbie Tano and included a brief presentation from Founding Dean John Rock, M.D. and an exclusive fashion presentation of designer collections by Neiman Marcus.

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